New Admissions and Age Rules

Admissions are normally made only at the grade I level to Sinhala and Tamil Streams.  Casual vacancies in other classes may be filled provided those seeking admission satisfy the age rules and conform to our standards of work in each class.

Applications for admission to Grade I should be made in June on forms available at the College Office. An admission test to grade I based on the rudiments of language and numbers will be held in August. The test is usually competitive and selective and admissions are made entirely at the direction of the Headmaster.

Those seeking admission should conform to the following age rules.
Grade I        Age 5+ as at January 31st
Grade II       Age 6+
Grade III      Age 7+
Grade IV       Age 8+
Grade V        Age 9+
Grade VI       Age 10+
Grade VII      Age 11+
Grade VIII     Age 12+



S. Thomas’ College



Applications are called for admission to Grade 1 in 2025 in the Sinhala and Tamil Mediums for boys who will complete five (5) years of age as at 31st January 2025.

Application forms can be obtained from the College office from the 20th of May to the 14th of June 2024 on payment of Rs. 1000/- per form. Duly completed application forms should be posted to reach the office before 30th of June 2024 or handed over to the College Office on or before the 30th of June 2024.



Withdrawals and Transfers

Whenever a boy is to be withdrawn, one calendar months notice must be given. The Parent while giving notice of withdrawal should indicate that all fees up to the date of leaving have been paid. The pupil will have to get an application form for a leaving certificate duly signed.